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Rides to the Polls

POLL RIDES – A volunteer service for Cville/Albemarle County to give voters a ride to/from the polls

Text or call Kate at (415)-601-3076 to get a ride to the polls on Election Day, Tuesday, November 3rd.
Polls open 6 a.m – 7 p.m.
COVID SAFE, Masks required
*COVID protection measures in place*

JAUNT is encouraging people in its service area to make plans to vote, and it is offering rides. JAUNT is an option to help people who would otherwise not vote due to transportation issues. In the areas served by the Charlottesville Area Transit within the city of Charlottesville and the urban ring of Albemarle County, passengers can use JAUNT is they are certified under the Americans with Disabilities Act. To qualify for that, riders must apply.  They can do so here. However, in rural Albemarle County, anyone can ride JAUNT without needing that certification.

JAUNT says it is currently not charging fares in order to minimize the risk of person-to-person contact and limit the spread of COVID-19. The service is also limiting the number of passengers who are permitted on a vehicle at any given time to allow for social distancing. Drivers are wearing face coverings, and passengers are also required to wear one. Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, people who would like to book a JAUNT ride for Election Day are encouraged to reserve it as early as Oct. 20. In order to book a ride, call (434) 297-2627 or send an email to

Last Push Volunteer Opportunities

Lit Drops

Lit drops give volunteers a list of doors and election-related flyers or sticky notes to drop off at each targeted address. The coordinated Virginia Victory campaign is also encouraging safe, masked, socially distant conversations with voters; check its Charlottesville canvass signup page for more information.

Join Dr. Webb’s campaign for socially distant literature drops in Charlottesville, Albemarle County, and Crozet! Three-hour shifts launch at 9 a.m, noon, and 3 p.m. every day from Saturday, Oct. 31, through Election Day. More info here.

The coordinated Biden/Harris/Warner/Webb campaign will be running Charlottesville canvasses/lit drops from Oct. 31-Nov. 3, with shifts launching at 9 a.m., noon, and 3 p.m. If you sign up for any of these shifts, you’ll need to block off some time the night of Friday, Oct. 30, for mandatory virtual safety training as well.

Call Voters

Want to help Dr. Cameron Webb? Sign up for Oct. 31-Nov. 3 GOTV phone banks! Shifts kick off at 9 a.m., noon, 3 p.m., and 6 p.m. Got time to dial this week, too? Sign up for a weekday virtual phonebank.

Want to help Joe Biden, Mark Warner, and Dems in our area? Sign up for this week’s slate of phone banking. The campaign tells us that each shift has a goal of 60 calls or 40 minutes — whichever goal you reach first! And with the election just a week away, sign up for Get Out the Vote Phonebanks Oct. 31-Nov. 3.

Want to help campaigns in battleground states? Virginia Victory’s also running a national distributed phonebank, letting you call voters in swing states via your computer. You can call every afternoon and evening, anytime from 10 a.m.-11:30 p.m. (for you night owls), by signing up here.

Text Voters

Dr. Webb’s campaign invites you to send texts during GOTV, Oct. 31-Nov. 3!

From now through Election Day, you can also up for daily text banks and training for Joe Biden, Mark Warner, and Dr. Webb and his fellow House candidates. After a quick initial training session, you can text securely and privately from your computer, tablet, or smartphone during various daily two-hour shifts.

Volunteers Needed – Targeted Lit Drops

The Webb campaign is looking for Albemarle Dem volunteer leaders to lead targeted lit drops in Albemarle County — especially but not exclusively in the White Hall District, for Crozet-area lit drops — from now through Nov. 3.

We need Lit Drop Launch Leaders for Oct. 24-25, and Oct. 31 through Nov. 3.

The launches will occur every three hours from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m (day ends at 9 p.m.). It would be great if, for those last four days, we had people who would take a minimum six-hour shift. Anyone able to do 12 hours is an absolute bonus!

We also need a staging location director to manage workflows during GOTV weekend – or two people working together could also work – this is for both Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. These lit drops will be in Albemarle County.

Where?: (The previous Webb campaign office) 233 Hydraulic Ridge Road, Charlottesville 22901

Any questions or to sign up, please contact


Today, Oct. 13, is the last day to register to vote in Virginia.

From ACDP: update 2:14 p.m.: Dept of Elections system is back up and running!

From the Dept of Elections website:

“To register to vote or update your voter registration information:

By mail: Applications must be postmarked by October 13

In-Person: Applications must be submitted by 5 pm October 13

Online: Applications must be submitted by 11:59 pm October 13”