The Albemarle County Democratic Party recently elected a new Chair for 2024-2025 as well as new Officers and District chairs. Thank you to all for serving.
Chair: Bruce Kirtley
Vice-Chair: Kristin Breen
Secretary: Michael Rodemeyer
Treasurer: Al Dessertine
Parliamentarian: Herb Stewart
Counsel/Voter Protection Coordinator: Laurie Jones
Vice-Chair, Outreach: Graham Paige
Vice-Chair, Finance: Rebecca Deeds
Vice-Chair, Communications: Kristin Breen
Immediate Past Chair: Karen Combs
Rivanna District Co-Chairs: Stephanie Lowenhaupt, Kathe Falzer
White Hall District Co-chairs: Jim Pyles, Atieno Bird
Samuel Miller District Co-chairs: Madison Cummings, Tim Hickey
Rio District Co-Chairs: Nathan Moore, Kate Scales, Betsey Soulsby
Scottsville District Co-Chairs: Lili Bennett, Rodney Beard
Jack Jouett District Chair: David Shreve