If you are interested in helping to elect Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, Senator Tim Kaine, and Gloria Witt or are interested in campaign signs, please contact the LOCAL COORDINATED CAMPAIGN. The office is open from 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. daily and is located at 1410 Incarnation Drive, Suite 203. You can leave a message at 703-965-5085 and someone will get back to you. Check out our events calendar for days, times, and sign-ups for canvassing, phone banking, and other volunteer opportunities.

Online Office Hours


11:30-12:30 every Friday, grab a coffee or your lunch and drop by to meet and mingle with the VA Victory Field Team for The Shenandoah Valley, Blue Ridge and Lynchburg. You can drop in for just a few minutes or the entire hour. We will have updates from the campaign but we also really want to hear from you, your committee and local grassroots groups. This will be an open conversation to share ideas and plans for the year. Hope to see you there!
There will be a list of dates that include every Thursday for the next month. When you sign up, the Zoom link will be sent to you.
Sign up for office hours through the Mobilize link below

Candidate Info

We’ve compiled brief introductions to each of the Democratic candidates seeking the nomination for the 5th Congressional District, US House of Representatives. The Primary is just around the corner on Tuesday, June 23rd.  We have also included information from Indivisible Charlottesville, who kindly prepared a Voter Guide!  We are also hosting a candidate forum with our Democratic friends in Cville on May 31st at 3 pm. Stay tuned for information on how to join and listen – and ask your own question!


John is a 1980 graduate of Santa Clara University, California and served 26 years in the Marine Corps. After leaving active duty in 1985, John continued his career in the Reserves and retired as a colonel in 2006. While in the Reserves, he earned a Master of Science in Strategic Intelligence at the Defense Intelligence College. John’s post-collegiate career in the Marines Corps took him around the world before he decided to settle in Virginia, where he has lived for the past 35 years, working in commercial real estate. Currently, he is an Executive Vice President for Colliers International. He has also added local government to his résumé, serving a term on both the Rappahannock County Board of Supervisors and School Board.  John was also appointed by Govs. Terry McAuliffe and Ralph Northam to work on veteran affairs at the state level. In 2014, McAuliffe appointed him to the Virginia Veteran Services Foundation, and, in 2018, Northam appointed him to the Board of Veterans Services.





Dr. B. Cameron Webb is a physician and lawyer who works at the intersection of health and social justice. He is an Assistant Professor of Medicine and Public Health Science at the University of Virginia, where he works as a hospitalist in the Department of Medicine and serves as co-director of the Department of Public Health Science’s Health Policy Program. He recently completed a year as a 2016-17 White House Fellow. In his time spanning the Obama and Trump administrations, his portfolio included education, workforce and criminal justice reform work through President Obama’s My Brother’s Keeper initiative, as well as White House healthcare policy work in both administrations. He received a B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies as an Echols Scholar at the University of Virginia, a J.D. and health law certificate from Loyola University Chicago School of Law, and an M.D. from Wake Forest School of Medicine. UVa that his current position as director of health policy and equity at the university was created for him.




Originally from North Carolina, where he helped on his grandparent’s farm, his family later spent time in Georgia when Huffstetler’s father worked in auto plants. Growing up, Huffstetler became the first person in his family to graduate from college, and he did so through scholarships. He used those scholarships to attend the University of West Georgia before joining the Marines and deploying to Iraq and Afghanistan. He served in a Prowler Unit responsible for conducting airborne electronic warfare and deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq. Honorably discharged with the rank of sergeant in 2007, RD attended Harvard Business School and the Kennedy School of Government on the GI Bill. After school, he spent five years working for technology companies and eventually started his own. He also spent time working as chief of staff for former U.S. presidential candidate and Rep. Seth Mouton, D-Mass.



Raised in Washington DC, Claire graduated from Tulane University and joined the Marine Corps at 23. She served as an Intelligence Officer serving in the First Marine Expeditionary Force and the First Marine Air Wing. She deployed to Fallujah, Iraq where she led a team of Marines targeting insurgent networks. Claire continued her service after the Marines, working as a civilian with the Army. In this capacity, she deployed to Afghanistan and served as a counterinsurgency adviser to the infantry. Following her work with the Army, Claire served on General Petraeus’s counterinsurgency advisory team where she evaluated the training and employment of female engagement teams and their support of special operations forces in Afghanistan. After returning home, Claire worked as a Council on Foreign Relations International Affairs fellow studying the role of women in combat and conflicts.


Click here to see the voter guide from Indivisible Charlottesville.

Butler Winners

James and Nellie Butler 2020 Scholarship Recipients

Congratulations to the four students honored with the James and Nellie Butler Scholarship Award this May! This award is given to one student in each of the four Albemarle high schools, demonstrating academic excellence, need, and – especially – commitment to serving the greater good. Each of these students will receive $1,000 towards their educational expenses.


Gabriela Arvizu graduated from Murray High School and will begin studying at The Cleveland Institute of Art this fall. Gaby helped run the Mock Elections at Murray, and was a leader in Community Meetings. She worked to build doghouses for the SPCA, and volunteered her face-painting skills at Community Day in Washington Park. She was described by one of her teachers as “a passionate, thoughtful, and engaging young person.”







Maryam Alwan graduated from Albemarle High School, and will be part of a dual degree program at Columbia University and at Sciences PO – The Paris Institute of Political Studies – this fall. Maryam attained many academic and leadership awards, including AP Scholar with Distinction and National Honor Society. Maryam worked with Special Olympics, Amnesty International, and Model UN, and she tutors immigrants in English. Also, Maryam is a Brown Belt in Martial Arts.







William Ancona graduated from Monticello High School and will be studying at UVA this fall. Will was part of the Health Academy at Monticello, and also very active in Monticello’s drama department as Captain of the Virginia State Champion Improvisational Team, and as part of a group that wrote and directed one-act plays at Monticello. Will served as an Intern in UVA’s health system. He’s volunteered at The Lodge at Old Trail, and was part of a Peacebuilder program. Will wants to fight for healthcare for all.








Chloe Kienzle graduated from Western Albemarle High School and will start at UVA this fall. Chloe has already done lots of work in local politics – organizing Postcards for Progress with at least 20 volunteers, organizing meet-and-greets, and working on election days. She a SOCA coach, and a UVA Medical Center volunteer. Chloe was on the Model UN team at WAHS and was the President of Key Club. Chloe plans to study and work in the field of Human Rights.






All four of these students exemplify the spirit and dedication to education, engagement, and service to a larger community of James and Nellie Butler. While on the Albemarle Board of Supervisors, James Butler championed fair and equitable teacher salaries, and helped to establish the Charlottesville-Albemarle Technical Education Center – CATEC. Nellie Butler was a technical education teacher, and worked with her husband in several community efforts, including voter registration. Nellie served as a Girl Scout leader and a 4-H advisor for many years.

Voto a Distancia





Es un proceso de dos pasos:

    1) Solicite una boleta por correo..

    2) Complete la boleta que recibirá por correo y envíela a la Oficina del Votante.


    ¿Cómo obtengo una boleta por correo para las primarias demócratas del 23 de junio?

Debe solicitar al Departamento de Registro y Elecciones de Votantes (Oficina de Votantes) una boleta por correo. Cuando la Oficina de Votantes apruebe su solicitud, le enviará una boleta por correo. Puedes aplicar ahora. Debe presentar una solicitud antes del 16 de mayo para votar por correo en las primarias de junio.

Solicite una boleta por correo haciendo lo siguiente:
• Llamar a la Oficina del Votante (434-972-4173) para obtener una planilla de solicitud;

• Ir en persona a la Oficina de Votantes en 1600 5th Street Extended (edificio de Oficinas del Condado) y traer su identificación con foto (llame a la oficina cuando llegue allí);

• Llenar una solicitud en línea si tiene una licencia de conducir (https://bit.ly/2KRk45u); o

• Obtener una planilla de solicitud en línea para imprimir y enviar por correo (https://bit.ly/2yheGpI);

La aplicación le pedirá una razón para votar por correo. Asegúrese de utilizar el motivo 2A (“discapacidad o enfermedad”). Ahora todos pueden usar esa razón debido a COVID.

    ¿Cómo completo mi boleta en ausencia?

• Para las primarias de junio, NO necesita un testigo que lo vea marcar su boleta o firmar el reverso del Sobre B. Debido a COVID, su boleta se contará incluso si no tiene la firma de un testigo.

• Asegúrese de completar TODOS los espacios en blanco en el reverso del Sobre B. Use la dirección donde está legalmente registrado para votar. FIRME EL SOBRE.

• Coloque el sobre de la boleta sellada en el otro sobre que ya tenga la dirección de la Oficina del Votante. Selle el sobre.

• Agregue una estampa regular ($ 0.55) y envíelo por correo.

IMPORTANTE: La boleta debe RECIBIRSE antes del final del día de las elecciones, el 23 de junio. Por lo tanto, asegúrese de pedir su boleta electoral TEMPRANO para que haya tiempo suficiente para que la Oficina de Correos la entregue a la Oficina del Votante.

Llame a la Oficina de Votantes si tiene preguntas. 434-972-4173