Vote by Mail – Video Guides

The following videos were created by Albemarle County to help guide voters through the voting by mail process.

Voting by mail overview:

(En Español)


Requesting a mail-in ballot online:

(En Español)


Requesting a mail-in ballot by mail:

(En Español)


Step-by-step instructions for filling out your mail-in ballot correctly:


Thank you for volunteering! – Postcards

We’ve concluded our postcards program and would like to thank everyone who volunteered! Thank you for being a part of the democratic process!

Congratulations to Postcards4Va, whose swiftly scribbling scribes sent Virginia voters a mind-boggling 435,019 postcards this year!

If you still have time to spare and want to help campaigns boost turnout in battleground states, sign up with VoteForward and write how-to-vote letters to citizens outside Virginia who can vote, but usually don’t. VoteForward has smashed their goal of 10 million letters written before the Oct. 17 mailing date, but they are still going with a new goal of 15 million letters, and they need your help to reach it!

Volunteers Needed – Literature Drops

Lace-up your walking shoes and take a nice healthy walk for Democracy! We need volunteers to do literature drops on voting early, safely, and correctly.

This week, we’re dropping lit in Woodbrook and Mountain View, on Tuesday, Sept. 15, with lit pickup from 4 p.m.-6 p.m. and Thursday, Sept. 17, with lit pickup from 12 p.m.-2 p.m. Next week, we’re visiting Free Bridge, Dunlora, and Hollymead.

On Sunday, Sept. 20, we’re dropping lit for Porters and Red Hill in the Samuel Miller district. Pick up lit at Crossroads Store at the intersection of Rt. 29 and Plank Road starting at 1:30 p.m.

On Friday, Sept. 25, we’ll be dropping lit for the Crozet area. Pick up lit at 5027 Clearfields Ct. starting at 2 p.m.

Please note that the above times are just when we’ll have packets available for you to pick up — you can distribute the information on your own schedule, at your convenience! Volunteers will not be knocking on doors or talking to voters; everyone involved must wear masks; and the whole event will be conducted outside, including the packet pickups, observing safe social distancing at all times.