If you are interested in helping to elect Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, Senator Tim Kaine, and Gloria Witt or are interested in campaign signs, please contact the LOCAL COORDINATED CAMPAIGN. The office is open from 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. daily and is located at 1410 Incarnation Drive, Suite 203. You can leave a message at 703-965-5085 and someone will get back to you. Check out our events calendar for days, times, and sign-ups for canvassing, phone banking, and other volunteer opportunities.

Virginia Voter Guide

Voting questions answered. Here is a list of Q&As for your reference.


 Early Voting

  • How can I vote in person before Election Day?

Early voting for the Nov. 2022 Virginia elections goes from Friday, Sept. 23 through Nov. 5, 2022. During this period, you may go to vote at the Albemarle County Office Building on 5th Street, south of I-64. (In another county? Look up your nearest office online.)

The office will be open for voting during the following hours:

        • Monday, Wednesday, & Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
        • Tuesday: 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. for early morning voters
        • Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 7 p.m. for late evening voters

Bring one form of ID.

  • What’s the difference between mail-in ballots, in-person early voting, or voting on election day?  Do some votes get counted differently than others?

The only difference between them is how they arrive at your local election office. A ballot is a ballot is a ballot. They’re all votes. They all count. Every ballot that has reached your local registrar’s office by the close of polls on Election Day — whether it arrives by mail, gets dropped off in a secure drop-off box at your local registrar’s office, is cast in person during early voting, or gets cast at polling places on Election Day — gets counted on Election Night.

  • So why do I hear about some votes getting counted later? How can I make sure my vote gets counted on Election Night?

Under Virginia law, two types of ballots will get counted in the days following the election:

        • Late-arriving absentee ballots. Some mailed ballots that get cast on election day won’t arrive at the registrar until a few days later. That’s good, actually! It means more votes get a chance to count! But, Virginia obviously can’t count ballots it doesn’t have, so it’ll count those late-arriving ballots as they trickle in, up to the final deadline for them to arrive. Want to make sure your ballot is counted sooner? Just mail it in or drop it off early enough to ensure that it gets to the registrar’s office by the close of polls on Election Day.
        • Provisional ballots. If voters cast a provisional ballot at the polls — say, if they got a mail-in ballot but lost it, or aren’t sure it’ll arrive in time — Virginia will have to wait a few days until that final deadline, just to make sure no other valid ballot from the same voter has also arrived. That’s also good! We don’t want anyone voting twice, intentionally or otherwise. Want to make sure your ballot is counted sooner? Try to avoid casting a provisional ballot unless you’re sure it’s the only way you can successfully vote.

Voting In-Person on Election Day

  • Where do I go?

Show up at your usual polling place on Tuesday, Nov. 8. Consult the Citizen Portal if you are unsure of where your polling place is.

  • What do I need?

Bring one of the required forms of ID — you no longer need to bring a photo ID, although they’re still valid, too!

Voting by Mail

***Important Reminder: If you are dropping off a ballot, make sure that it is in the envelope (provided) that has the tracking barcode. This barcoded envelope means staff can enter the ballot’s receipt in VERIS much faster and the voter can know when their ballot has been received.

  • How can I get a ballot?

Watch this video to learn the basics (¡Ya disponible en Español!).
Request a ballot online:

You may request a mail-in ballot for November’s election using the Citizen Portal. You’ll need your Virginia driver’s license and Social Security number to complete the online application. Once you’ve answered a few simple questions, you’re signed up to get a mail ballot as soon as the state starts mailing them out. Watch this video for step-by-step instructions (¡Ya disponible en Español!).

Request a ballot by mail:

Print out this form. Then watch this video (¡Ya disponible en Español!) and follow the instructions to fill it out. Mail your completed applications for an absentee ballot to:

Albemarle County Voter Registration
PMB 160
435 Merchant Walk Sq Ste 300
Charlottesville, VA 22902-6514

  • Is it too late to request an absentee ballot?

Nope! Request an absentee ballot through the Citizen Portal, or fill out a written form (found here).

New Virginia law says that in order to count, your ballot must be postmarked by Election Day, and it must arrive at the registrar’s office by noon on the Friday after the election.

  • How will I know when my ballot is on its way? When I mail it in, how will I know when it has reached the registrar’s office?

You may reference the Citizen Portal. Under the “Absentee” tab on your voter info page, you can see when you requested a ballot, when the state mailed it to you, and when they received it from you.

Virginia has debuted an even better ballot-tracking method called Ballot Scout, available now in the City of Charlottesville, Albemarle County, and statewide. With Ballot Scout, you enter your name and address to receive a live update of where your ballot is in the mailing process. You can also sign up for email and text updates as your ballot makes its way through the system! Try Ballot Scout now.

  • Ballot Scout says my ballot has arrived at the election office, but it’s not showing up as received on the Citizen Portal. What’s going on?

Just be patient. Under normal circumstances, it takes election officials two business days from the time they receive a ballot until it shows up as received on the Citizen Portal. This year, it may take a little longer due to all the extra ballots. Give it time, check once a day, and we suspect your patience will be rewarded.

  • If I don’t trust the Post Office, may I send my ballot by UPS or FedEx instead?

Yes! Virginia law specifically allows commercial services to deliver ballots. However, private companies don’t have the USPS’s authority to postmark mail, so if you do send in your ballot this way, it must arrive at the registrar’s office by 7 p.m. on Election Day to count.

  • If I don’t want to send my ballot in the mail, may I deliver the ballot myself?

Yes! In Albemarle County, a secure drop-off box for mail-in ballots is available at the county election office (aka the registrar’s office) 24/7. On Election Day, polling place drop-offs will be available during the hours that each polling place is open. You’re not required to show ID when you drop off your sealed, completed mail-in ballot.

***Before you drop it in the box, please make sure that your ballot is sealed not only in Envelope B, but also inside the provided return envelope you’d use if you were mailing it in. Your vote will still count even if you don’t, but that envelope contains a bar code that helps officials verify your identity and cast your ballot more quickly.

  • Can I only drop my own ballot in the box? Do other members of my family have to drop theirs off personally as well?

You may drop off your own ballot and your family members. Just keep in mind that you might look a bit shady if you walk up to the drop-off box with an armful of ballot envelopes.

  • Do I need a witness when I’m filling out my ballot?

No. Thanks to a recent court settlement and a new Virginia law, if you don’t have a safe way to get a witness to sign your ballot, then you don’t need to have a witness sign it.

  • Do I need to put a stamp on the return envelope for my mail ballot?

No. New Virginia law will prepay all return postage on mail-in ballots. Just fill it out correctly, seal it up, drop it in the mail, and you’re good to go.

  • What if I get my absentee ballot just before the election and I don’t have time to send it back?

If you request a ballot now, you should get it in plenty of time. However, in the unlikely event that your ballot reaches you with mere days to spare, you can still vote! Try one of these two approaches — either one will work just fine:

        1. Open your mail-in ballot, complete it, and make sure it’s correctly signed and sealed as if you were planning to mail it back. Take your sealed, completed mail-in ballot with you to your polling place and ask a poll worker to point you toward the secure drop-off location for mail-in ballots, and drop it off there.
        2. Don’t open your mail-in ballot. Take the unopened ballot with you to your polling place and hand it over to the election officials. They’ll void it, you’ll get a regular ballot, and you can vote as usual.
  • What if I’ve requested a mail-in ballot, but it hasn’t arrived, and I want to vote in person instead?

Short answer: You can still vote! The longer answer depends on when you want to go vote in person:

        • I want to vote in person before Election Day: Mask up. Grab a relevant form of ID. Go to the Albemarle County Registrar’s Office for early voting. Tell the poll workers that your ballot hasn’t arrived, and ask to sign a “gold oath” — also known as SBE-708 — certifying that you haven’t gotten that ballot yet. The poll worker may encourage you to go home and wait just a little bit more. You may want to heed their advice! (Remember, Ballot Scout is your friend!) But if you insist, you can sign that golden-colored form, and you’ll get to vote a regular ballot, not a provisional one, that’ll get counted on Election Night the same as all other regular ballots.
        • I want to vote in person on Election Day: Mask up. Grab that ID. Visit your regular polling place. On Election Day, if you don’t have an unopened mail ballot to hand in, you’ll have to cast a provisional ballot, not a regular ballot. It might take a few extra days to get counted, but it will get counted.
  • Should I request a mail-in ballot even if I plan to vote in person?

That’s not necessary! If you want to vote in person, vote in person, whether you do so early or on Election Day. If you request a mail ballot now, you’ll get it in plenty of time to return it before the election, in person or by mail. The General Assembly has taken action to eliminate most of the hurdles or concerns that once surrounded mail-in ballots.

  • How can I fill out my ballot correctly to make sure it counts?

This video from Albemarle County has step-by-step instructions for correctly filling out your mail-in ballot.

  • Do I have to worry about signing my name correctly to ensure that my ballot counts?

No, you don’t! Virginia does not use signature-checking as a ballot security measure (though the Commonwealth uses lots of other safety measures!), so you don’t need to fear that a slight difference in how you sign your name will disqualify you.

  • If I make an error filling out the required information on my ballot, will it get thrown out?

The General Assembly has you covered! Starting with this November’s election, if the Board of Elections receives a mail-in ballot form with disqualifying errors, they’ll now tell you about the error within three days, via email, mail, or phone, and give you instructions on how to fix the error. Because of that three-day limit, they’ll let you know about errors for any ballots they receive. You’ll have until noon on the Friday after the election to correct your ballot and make sure it counts. Yet another reason to request and mail back your ballots as soon as possible.

  • What if I mail in my ballot, but Elections Day rolls around, and my mail-in ballot still hasn’t gotten to the registrar? Or what if I get a mail-in ballot but then lose it?

You can still vote! Mask up, grab a relevant form of ID, and head to your local polling place. Explain the situation and ask for a provisional ballot. If your mail-in ballot arrives in time, it gets counted, and your provisional ballot gets tossed. If your mail-in ballot is late, your provisional ballot counts. You still only get one vote, but either way, your vote counts.

Thanks to our BBQ Sponsors!

Thank you to our sponsors at our annual BBQ on October 3!

Senator Creigh Deeds

James Andrews
Richard Brewer
Larry DeNeveu
Julie & Ned Gallaway
David Toscano

Ellen & Bob Beard
Beth and Tim Hickey
Delegate Sally Hudson
Ben Moses
Bruce & James B. Murray, Jr.
Lucia Phinney & Robin Dripps

Katherine Acuff
Susan Bender
Brie Breland
Katrina & Gilman Callsen
Pat & Madison Cummings
Norman l Dill & Susan Davis-Dill
Kathe & Lou Falzer
Diana Foster & Tom Jones
Anne Geraty
Alyssa Hart
Carol & David Hogg
Sydna Julian
Stephen Koleszar
George  Leaman
Bill Love
Dianne Martin and Rich Olin
Cynthia Neff
Wren & Tom Olivier
Michael Rodemeyer & Dorit Green
Linda and Rick Seaman
Abigail Turner
Jennifer Williams
Cindy & Jon Zug
Kathy & Taylor Beard
Diana & Melvin Burruss
Valerie & Ken Chasin
Meghan Cloud
J. Lewis Combs
Jane Davis
Stephen  Davis & Anna Scholl
Pam  DeGuzman
Nancy Gansneder
Sarah Hald
Sylvia Hallock
Mitty & Will Harvey
Jim Heilman
Kathleen Jump
Jack Marshall
Nancy O’Brien
Graham Paige
John Parcells
Marilynn & Gene Philippi
Donna Price
Christopher Seaman
Peter Sevcik
Ida Simmons
Lynda & David White
Becky Williams & Liz Browne
Kerin Yates

2021 Elections Information

Upcoming November 2, 2021 General Election

Offices on ballot: Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, House of Delegates, and local offices.

First day on in-person early voting at local voter registration office: Friday, September 17, 2021.

Deadline to register to vote, or update an existing registration: Tuesday, October 12, 2021.

Deadline to apply for a ballot to be mailed to you: Friday, October 22, 2021. Request must be received by local voter registration office by 5pm.

Voter registration offices open Saturday, October 23, 2021 and October 30, 2021 for early voting.

Last day of in-person early voting at local voter registration office: Saturday, October 30, 2021, at 5pm.

Register to vote or apply for a ballot online using the Citizen Portal.

General Election Statewide Democrat Candidates:
House of Delegates:
Local Candidates:
  • Member Board of Supervisors – Jack Jouett District: Diantha H. Mckeel
  • Member Board of Supervisors – Rio District: Ned L. Gallaway
  • Member Board of Supervisors – Samuel Miller District: Jim H. Andrews
  • Member School Board – Jack Jouett District: Kate L. Acuff
  • Member School Board – Rio District: Katrina E. Callsen
  • Member School Board – Samuel Miller District: Graham T. Paige

Winners of the Virginia Democratic Primary

Governor: Terry McAuliffe (303,546 votes, 62.2%)
Lieutenant Governor: Hala Ayala (178,276 votes, 39.1%)
Attorney General: Mark Herring (271,187 votes, 56.6%)
House of Delegates:
  • 25th District: Jennifer Kitchen
  • 57th District: Delegate Sally Hudson
  • 59th District: Dr. Ben Moses

Every year in Virginia is an election year! Here is what’s coming up in 2021.
  • Statewide elections for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Attorney General
  • All 100 seats of the House of Delegate are up for election – including the 25th, 57th, 58th, and 59th districts that include parts of Albemarle County.
  • The Rio, Samuel Miller, and Jack Jouett District seats on the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors.
  • The Rio, Samuel Miller, and Jack Jouett District seats on the Albemarle County School Board.
On Tuesday, June 8, there will be a primary to choose our Democratic nominees for the statewide offices, House of Delegates and Board of Supervisors.

Candidates interested in seeking those seats will need to file by Thursday, March 25th, at 5:00 p.m. Contact chair@albemarledems.org to arrange filing.

School Board elections are nonpartisan – meaning all candidates run as Independents. Candidates interested in seeking those seats must file by Tuesday, June 8.

Candidates can find out more information about the requirements to file by downloading the candidate bulletins from the State Board of Elections:
Current announced (but not filed) Democratic candidates include:
Lt. Governor:
Attorney General:
House of Delegates*:

*Latest reports indicate Census delays will delay redistricting this year, and we are assuming that this year’s elections will be in the current district boundaries.

Board of Supervisors:
  • Rio District: Woodbrook, Dunlora, Agnor-Hurt, Branchlands, and Northside precincts
    • Supervisor Ned Gallaway
  • Samuel Miller District: Ivy, Red Hill, Easy Ivy Porters, Country Green, Yellow Mountain precincts
  • Jack Jouett District: Jack Jouett, University, and Georgetown precincts
School Board:
  • Rio District: Woodbrook, Dunlora, Agnor-Hurt, Branchlands, and Northside precincts
    • School Board Member Katrina Callsen
  • Samuel Miller District: Samuel Miller District: Ivy, Red Hill, Easy Ivy Porters, Country Green, Yellow Mountain precincts
    • School Board Member Graham Paige
  • Jack Jouett District: Jack Jouett, University, and Georgetown precincts
    • School Board Member Kate Acuff