The Work Goes On!
Dear Fellow Democrats:
In 2025, we have to work hard to make sure our current Delegates, Amy Laufer and Katrina Callsen, are reelected and able to continue the good work they have been doing.
There will be elections in three Boards of Supervisor seats. We need to support those running for reelection and rally behind new candidates if necessary. The same for three seats on the Albemarle County School Board.
Finally, and perhaps most significantly, there will be an election to choose our next Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Attorney General. I don’t need to tell you how important these positions are to all of us. Women’s health issues, fairness and equity for all, education, health care accessibility and affordability. This list goes on and on. In short, who we elect will make a big difference. We need candidates (good Democrats) who strongly support our values!
The Albemarle County Democratic Party, on your behalf, uses your dues and other related funds to do many wonderful things. We door knock, we phone bank, and we send postcards. We man those early voting tables with sample ballots, and our Voter Protection group ensures qualified voters the chance to vote. Our presence is not by accident!
We are currently committing ourselves to expanding our communication reach. Social media platforms are a fact of life. We intend to take a leading role in disseminating facts and the truth!
Once again, we seek your help and support. I am asking you to renew your
respective memberships (or join for the first time). Our annual dues are $25 per person. To make it easy, here is the link for donating online through ActBlue:
Thank you for your consideration. On behalf of the Albemarle County Democratic Party, we recommit ourselves to serving you and the County at large!
Bruce Kirtley, Chair
Albemarle County Democratic Committee
PO Box 5698
Charlottesville, VA 22905